Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting Started!

          There are several ways to use coupons. Some people use them regardless of the item price, others use them to save a little money off their usual grocery order. Some match up coupons to sales and other wait for the extreme deals! No matter which one you fall into I hope this blog helps!!

     I tend to find myself as one not only looking to save money but for the extreme deal because in the long run I will be saving even more! The #1 misconception about Extreme Couponing is that you can immediately start buying all the things you normally buy for close to nothing. You see sales revolve and products are usually only on sale every 6 months. Coupons on the other hand come out frequently, its all about timing and patience.  Basically in a nut shell if you are reading this blog to get your usual grocery order free or nearly free you have come to the wrong place and honestly will have a difficult time doing that. Extreme couponing is about stock piling and purchasing items at the best time and lowest price (we really like free!!). If you are patient and work hard over several months you can create a stock pile of products you do use and maybe some you have never tried!
    I want to begging by credting the show that got me started "Extreme Couponing" on TLC as well as , a website/forum run by the orginal Extreme Couponing show. Along the way I will list more helpful sites but we must start slow!
   #1 Question I get asked: How do you do it?....the goal of the coupon is to match it to a sale price of an item and get it to be free or even make money off of it (yes that's possible too). Some stores double coupons making this goal rather easy , while other stores offer even lower prices! Each Store(even 2 of the same name store can have 2 different policies) has its own coupon policy and you must check with the local store you intend to shop at before planning a trip! Each week you get you sales flyers and Sunday coupons and you sit down with your store and match up coupons you have to what is on sale! Sounds like a lot of work is but there is help! Luckily we are getting into a hobby that many have started before us and there are sites such as  to do the leg work for us. Then it is up to us to find the coupons and match it to our local store deals! If this all sounds confusing hang in there the shopping trip I will post below should help!

 #2 Question Where do you get the coupons?.... The answer is everywhere! Mostly from Sunday newspaper ( I would suggest to just start out with 2-4 papers it can get overwhelming!), there are also alot of people online looking to trade coupons and friends around you who don't use theirs. There are coupons on products and also some in dispensers at stores! The last resort but a good one when you need a lot of one particular coupon are clipping services. You pay these people a small amount for there time to cut out coupons. Ill post some of these sites later, they are also listed on ebay!

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